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Discover how dnergy enables compliance for asset managers

Discover how dnergy enables compliance for asset managers

Our energy efficiency solutions enable you to meet legislative
demands through a fact-based, continuous improvement cycle,
simplifying compliance effortlessly.

The EU Taxonomy defines six objectives for its 2050 carbon net zero goal of which climate change mitigation plays a dominant role for the real estate industry.

dnergy® provides valuable data and insights for EU taxonomy, CSRD and SFDR alignment purposes


Clear MAP - PLAN - ACT - MEASURE  aligning with the action plan requirements according to CSRD and SFDR. A carbon action plan of the portfolio through our dnergy Efficiency Program (dEEP) focused on HVAC and thermal well-being. By leveraging data for Spotting efficiency opportunities, via automation, expert Services, light CAPEX/OPEX adjustments.


Clear structure to manage the operations towards ESG goals. Practices and policies in place to achieve Environmental objectives regarding climate changemitigation, Energy and Stakeholders. A well-defined process to activate Stakeholder engagement to achieve the goals and stakeholder awareness campaigns.

Impacts, risks and opportunities

Standardize reporting with a clear description to identify impacts, risks and opportunities. Deliver action plans to to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor the potential and actual impact on people and the environment both negative and positive.

Metrics and Targets

Provide contractual CO2 reduction targets. Report using science-based metrics such as IPMVP and thermal comfort(well-being) to establish estimations and results. Transparency over the possible uncertainties, risks and opportunities regarding targets and metrics being used.

Double materiality

Positive and negative Material impacts (mitigation and energy), financial impacts and Stakeholders impacts are adressed in our reporting and dEEP program. 

dnergy® can provide:

The general architecture and requirements

Strategy, governance, impacts and risks, opportunities, double materiality, action plan,..


dnergy® can play a considerable role regarding climate change mitigation and energy.


dnergy® can provide the necessary information regarding stakeholders.

CSRD - Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

ESRS – Environmental Sustainability Reporting Standards

Energy Efficiency and Compliance require a fact-based, continuous series of improvement cycles.


  • Map all the available data regarding HVAC, energy and thermal comfort.
  • Use our tech-enabled services to find anomalies regarding material impacts.
  • Perform technical site visits to asses the actual situation.


  • Define clear metrics and targets, by providing baselines and explain possible risks and opportunities, with transparancy regarding estimations, uncertainties only using science based tools and objective data metrics.

Our solution


  • Built an action plan priotirised according to Climate risks, energy destruction, stakeholders actions.
  • Provide the necessary disclosures and requirements regarding impacts, risks and opportunities using double materiality.


  • Act on the most eminement priorities that vary between technical optimisation, stakeholder engagement, automated steering using A.I. and implement strategies and policies to prevent energy destruction.
Our results

Customer's cases studies


by reducing your CO2 and energy cost without effort.